Just as God has a plan to engage every one of us in service to His Kingdom, God also has unique plans for each church to reach communities and share the Good News. The church in Corinth was too distracted by the differences in that body of believers to be effective in following God's lead, so Paul shared with them timeless truths of how God brings us together so that we can serve God together.

One Goal, One Spirit, One Body

The Gathering

Pastor Chris Ogden | November 5, 2023

Just as God has a plan to engage every one of us in service to His Kingdom, God also has unique plans for each church to reach communities and share the Good News. The church in Corinth was too distracted by the differences in that body of believers to be effective in following God’s lead, so Paul shared with them timeless truths of how God brings us together so that we can serve God together.

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